The Mash Tun

possibly the most convenient place in Brighton for beers and sunshine

The Mash Tun is another pub in Brighton however, this one lies right by the Museum and Victoria Gardens at the bottom of the famed Lanes. Compared to the other pubs in the area, the Mash Tun has a few unique characteristics that are worth keeping it in mind:

A decent selection of brews

In this part of town you’re usually relegated to restaurants and smaller pubs that predominantly serve macro beers such as Heineken. Happy to confirm that the Mash Tun will provide you with superior beers such as Gamma Ray and Neck Oil

fair play
fair play

A massive open space

The Mash Tun sits on a wide pedestrianised road, with licencing to place a decent number of benches and general outdoor space. Given the location on a North West corner you’ll get the sunlight for most of the day slap bang in the middle of Brighton


Character and location

Around that part of town you’re surrounded by restaurants and coffee shops. That’s not bad, but once it hits the early afternoon and the sun is blazing The Mash Tun is both easily accessible and bright green. You can’t miss it.

feel the space
feel the space

Not much more to say, the Mash Tun is worth knowing about should you be caught out in that part of Brighton, which you will be if you’re on tour from Finch Lodge. Enjoy!

Always seems to be nearby